Mia left and Hydra right - Italian greyhounds soaking up the sun!

The Three Amigos left to right - Linus, Angus and Murphy

Alley, the Brittany Spaniel, and Tanner, the corgi mix, both know how to get loved and petted!
Chance the boxer mix is in love with Alley and was following her back from the water area!

Tanner and another dog sparring - arm reach is equal, weight is different by a couple of pounds, but they both had a lot of fun!

Dexter loves the water!

Stewie and Dexter head straight into the water!

Kiska chases a dog fetching a ball!

Tanner was showing Alley what he can do!

Alley is somewhat impressed by Tanner!

Tanner has spring fever for Alley!

Stewie and Tanner take a dip!

Alley and Stewie listen to the frogs!

Cute Alley!

Stewie knows where the best place to rest is!
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