Angus is ready for dinner!

Left to right - Murphy, Angus and Blue

Wilson the white havanese chasing Ovaltine the brown havanese!

Asher front, Utah back on couch

Super cute Angus!

Murphy left and Blue right

Sweet, cute Blue

Wilson and Ray

Silly Asher

Angus the mini labradoodle and Blue the husky

Angus and Tanner wrestle while Blue and Murphy referee!

Murphy left and Blue right on a walk

Little dogs left Clover the black havanese and Wilson the white havanese and Monte their best friend!

Clover in front and Asher middle

Clover found a sweet playmate!

Little dogs except for Murphy!

Angus is still ready to play and Murphy is wiped out!

Left to right is Wilson, Stewie and Angus

Kiska with her funny kitty!

Mr. Bean the schnauzer and Angus getting Murphy!

Petunia left and Elvis right

Olivia left and Murphy right

Angus top and Yumi bottom

Left Olivia, Middle Murphy and Right Yumi

Sneaky Angus!

Besties Yumi the wheaton and Angus the mini labradoodle!